The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast

Ministry in the Age of AI: Episode Four

Entrepreneur, former church online pastor, and founder of Big Click Syndicate, Kenny Jahng talks about the untapped potential most leaders are missing in church technology.

Kenny shares the ideal tech stack for average-sized churches and the upsides and downsides of using AI in your work. Carey and Kenny also discuss how far you should take AI.

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The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast: Empowering Church Leaders in the Digital Age


In a rapidly evolving digital age, the Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast delves deep into the intricacies of leadership, offering management insights and authentic leadership tips to help you rise above the unhealthy patterns that often plague today's church leaders. 

Carey addresses character issues like envy that can hinder our growth, and he emphasizes the power of multiplication – the idea that true leadership is not about adding followers but multiplying leaders.

Whether you're on the brink of resignation, seeking a fresh perspective on digital how-to strategies, or simply wishing to bolster your leadership skills, this podcast is a treasure trove of transformative insights.

Join Carey as he navigates the multifaceted world of leadership, ensuring that you're equipped and inspired to lead more effectively.

Direct download: CNLP_608_With_Kenny-Jahng.mp3
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