The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast

In this episode, Carey Nieuwhof breaks down four distinct communication styles typical of dying, stagnant, shallow, and growing churches. He also gives you the tools you need to break out of a rut to become a more powerful and effective communicator.

The #1 factor people look for in a church is the quality of the preaching. 

In fact, 86% of people choose a church based on that.

So, what separates preachers and communication in dying, stagnant, shallow, and growing churches? That’s what we’re discussing in this podcast episode.

Show Notes

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Every single month inside the Art of Leadership Academy,  we hop on a Zoom call to talk through the challenges leaders are facing so you can learn from each other, with each other, and from world-class experts.

On August 8th, Patrick Lencioni is joining us as a special guest to help you leverage your Working Genius. To join, visit



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Quality of Preaching and Communication (00:03:30)


Factors of Great Communication (00:06:05)


Expressing a Compelling Idea (00:07:02)


Elements of Great Delivery (00:09:12)


Sermon Impact Matrix (00:13:55)


Irrelevant Talks (00:14:58)


Academic Messages (00:16:09)


Trivial Messages (00:17:14)


Powerful Messages (00:19:13)




Brought to you by The Art of Leadership Network



Direct download: CNLP_664_With_Carey-Solo-Podcast.mp3
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