Wed, 26 January 2022
CNLP 472 | Vance Roush on the Future of Giving: Crypto, Fintech and How to Unleash Generosity by Making Stock Donations to Churches and Charities Easier
Vance Roush is the founder of, a startup designed to make giving non-cash donations like stocks, assets and crypto to churches easy. As Web3 expands and Boomers transfer 18 billion dollars in wealth in the next few decades, how people give has to change. As a 32-year-old entrepreneur and church planter, Vance shares the journey that led him to create Overflow and where he sees the future of money, generosity and giving heading for every church and even business leader. |
Mon, 24 January 2022
CNLP 471 | Craig Groeschel and Bobby Gruenewald on the Future of Hybrid Church: In-Person, Online, in the Metaverse and Overcoming Physical and Spiritual Façades
Life.Church's Senior Pastor Craig Groeschel and Bobby Gruenewald (Creator of YouVersion and Church Online) talk about the future of hybrid church. In this interview, Craig and Bobby talk about the limits of digital and physical church, the strengths and weaknesses of each, their new presence in the Metaverse, and how different kinds of church can break through people's physical and spiritual facades to get to authentic life change.
Direct download: CNLP_47120E28093With_Craig-Groeschel-and-Bobby-Gruenewald.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm EST |
Mon, 17 January 2022
CNLP 470 | D.J. Soto and Nona Jones: An Introduction to the Metaverse, Web3, VR Church and What's Next Online and IRL
D.J. Soto, Founder of VR Church, and Nona Jones of Meta/Facebook give a primer on the metaverse, how Web3 will be different from Web2 and Web1, VR church, NFTs, DAOs, blockchain and more as we explore what's next online and in real life. This is part 2 of a 6-part Future series.
Direct download: CNLP_47020E28093With_Nona-Jones-and-DJ-Soto.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm EST |
Wed, 12 January 2022
CNLP 469 | Mark Sayers on Future Church Trends, How to Lead Through Profoundly Disorienting Change, and What to Expect in 2022
Mark Sayers joins us for a wide-ranging conversation about the profoundly disorienting change leaders have been experiencing over the last two years, future church trends and what to expect in 2022 and beyond. We cover supply chain disruptions, critical race theory, the revenge of nature, deconstruction and the challenge of control. This is part one of a six part Future series on the podcast. |
Mon, 10 January 2022
CNLP 468 | Donald Miller on the Backstory to His Journey from Blue Like Jazz to Business Made Simple, Common Mistakes Leaders Make, and Dropping a Victim Mentality
New York Times Bestselling author Donald Miller discusses the surprising (and at times confusing) journey from being the well-known, well loved author of Blue Like Jazz to becoming the founder of Business Made Simple, a wildly successful company that helps businesses succeed. Carey and Don discuss why he's made the multiple transitions he has, how it's all part of the same journey, common mistakes leaders make, as well as how to drop a victim mentality.
Direct download: CNLP_46820E28093With_Donald-Miller_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm EST |
Mon, 3 January 2022
CNLP 467 | Rick Warren on Leaving a Legacy of Integrity, Why Megachurch Pastors Fail, and Lessons Learned Over 42 Years at Saddleback
In 2021, Saddleback founding pastor, Rick Warren, announced he was retiring as senior pastor to embrace a new role. In this wide-ranging interview, Rick talks about how to leave a legacy of integrity, why so many megachurch pastors fail, what he told Bill Hybels, and lessons learned over 42 years at Saddleback. Catch the full interview plus bonus footage on our YouTube channel: |
Mon, 3 January 2022
CNLP 467 | Rick Warren on Leaving a Legacy of Integrity, Why Megachurch Pastors Fail, and Lessons Learned Over 42 Years at Saddleback
In 2021, Saddleback founding pastor, Rick Warren, announced he was retiring as senior pastor to embrace a new role. In this wide-ranging interview, Rick talks about how to leave a legacy of integrity, why so many megachurch pastors fail, what he told Bill Hybels, and lessons learned over 42 years at Saddleback. Catch the full interview plus bonus footage on our YouTube channel: |
Fri, 31 December 2021
Boost Your Productivity: How to Keep the WRONG People (Including Chronic Complainers) From Eating Up All Your Time This Year (Special Episode)
Over the last two years, leaders have struggled with exhaustion and been hit with an onslaught of criticism from chronic complainers. In this special podcast episode, Carey Nieuwhof shares a very practical strategy he uses to keep the WRONG people from eating up all your time and how to invest in the right people. It's a teaching designed to help you have a much better and more productive 2022.
Direct download: CNLP_466bB_12-202120E28093Carey-Special-Episode.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm EST |