The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast

John Mark Comer returns to the podcast to debrief his year-long Sabbatical after leaving Bridgetown Church as Lead Pastor, how stepping down from day to to day church leadership impacted his identity, why ministry is harder than it needs to be, the secret life of trees, and why attending a church after you've led one can be so hard.

Show Notes

On The Rise Newsletter

Direct download: CNLP_555_With_John-Mark-Comer.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:36pm EST

Richard Blackaby has worked with his dad for decades to bring the message of Experiencing God to the world. In this interview, Richard talks about how arriving at a small church of ten people and seeing God turn it around, the story behind how Experiencing God went on to sell millions of copies, how to find God's will, and how pastors can disciple business leaders.

Show Notes

On The Rise Newsletter

Direct download: CNLP_554_With_Richard-Blackaby.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:18pm EST

Craig Groeschel, Pastor of Life.Church and NYT bestselling author breaks down what being undisciplined as a young leader costs him, the process of becoming a disciplined leader, the current habits he's mastered, including how to improve your sleep, and the three habits every leader should focus on.

Show Notes

On The Rise Newsletter



Direct download: CNLP_553With_Craig-Groeschel.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:04pm EST

Marc Schulz shares key findings on the secret to happiness from the longest longitudinal study in the world (the Study of Adult Development at Harvard Medical School), which has profiled thousands of people over 84 years, why success and career don't fulfill people, why deep relationships do, and why it's never too late to grow happier and how to do it.

Show Notes

On The Rise Newsletter

Direct download: CNLP_552_With_Marc-Schulz.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:30pm EST

Author and Instagram Influencer Carlos Whittaker talks about the practice and value of fail journaling, how to build unity around divisive topics and hot takes, and how he built a huge Instagram following and movement after losing 30% of his audience in one day.

Show Notes

On The Rise Newsletter


Direct download: CNLP_551_With_Carlos-Whittaker.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:04pm EST

Andy and Sandra Stanley talk about how to juggle the time crunch demands of leading a mega-church while raising kids, parenting mistakes to avoid, how to raise kids who respect people and value relationships, and how to raise kids who want to be around you and each other when they're grown.

Show Notes

On The Rise Newsletter



Direct download: CNLP_550_With_Andy-and-Sandra-Stanley.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:11pm EST