The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast

Matt Chandler joins the conversation today and opens up about hitting the wall in his late thirties. He discusses recovering from a dead heart and from brain cancer, lessons he learned from his leave of absence after an Instagram exchange, and gives some incredibly insightful lessons on how to revitalize a dying church.

Show Notes

The Art of Leadership Live

On The Rise Newsletter

Preaching Cheat Sheet

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I recently took a look at the list of leaders who are registered for my first ever conference this September in Dallas, Texas - The Art of Leadership Live and let me tell you, it's shaping up to be quite a stellar group of people.

I'm already excited to connect with a number of people I've met before — some of whom have even been guests on this podcast

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Impact of childhood experiences on extroversion (00:07:05)

Realization of calling to ministry (00:09:01)

Struggles and self-awareness in late 30s (00:15:36)

The impact of childhood on identity (00:19:26)

Communication style and personal experiences (00:22:50)

Revitalization of Village Church (00:29:01)

Challenges and changes in leadership (00:31:06)

Challenges of church growth (00:36:26)

Lessons from mistakes (00:43:08)

Facing personal crisis (00:47:18)

Empathy for those in distress (00:56:57)

Lessons from a ministry interruption (00:59:30)

Power imbalance and influence (01:08:37)

Enduring marriage and leadership (01:11:42)

Living out the Gospel in daily life (01:17:43)

The Overcomers Podcast and Book (01:20:52)


Brought to you by The Art of Leadership Network

Direct download: CNLP_654_With_Matt-Chandler.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:05am EST