The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast

Bayside Church Senior Pastor Mark Clark flips the mic and joins Carey in his basement studio for a wide-ranging personal conversation. Carey discusses how the podcast got started, how and why it grew, burnout, and the power of staying grounded amid a sea of change and growth. 

This fun conversation will make you feel like you're hanging out with Carey and Mark after a great dinner.

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Ultimate Guide to Healthy Church Conflict

On The Rise Newsletter

Preaching Cheat Sheet

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Listen to The Mark Clark Podcast


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Reduce the conflict at your church and unite people around a shared and growing mission in as little as 5 minutes a day, with my brand new course The Art of Navigating Church Conflict.

Visit to learn more.


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Category:general -- posted at: 5:04am EST

Legendary leadership expert Jim Collins joins us for a special tenth-anniversary podcast episode. Jim breaks down the five stages of How The Mighty Fall—one of his favorite and lesser-known works.

He discusses the components of Level 5 Leadership, why growth is not a goal, the liability of charisma, and how to develop your own personal flywheel. Jim also gives a sneak peek into his next big project, which he's been working on for a decade.

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Show Notes

Ultimate Guide to Healthy Church Conflict

On The Rise Newsletter

Preaching Cheat Sheet

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Follow @theartofleadershipnetwork


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Reduce the conflict at your church and unite people around a shared and growing mission in as little as 5 minutes a day, with my brand new course The Art of Navigating Church Conflict.

Visit to learn more.




There are people moving to your community every day; will you be there to welcome them with love? With Gloo+ you can send 50 postcards every month to new movers in your area. 

Go to and use CAREY20 for 20% off your Gloo+ membership




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Direct download: CNLP_678_With_Jim-Collins_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:05am EST

Carlos Whittaker returns to the podcast to talk about his latest experiment—becoming a monk and becoming Amish for seven weeks to detox from his phone. He shares what happened to his brain, his heart, and his soul and how technology addicted him to knowledge and control. Plus, he discussed what changes in your brain as you ditch your phone.


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On The Rise Newsletter

Preaching Cheat Sheet

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Upward Sports, the world's largest Christian youth sports organization, wants to support your church's ministry and promote Jesus through sports. Visit  to learn more about enhancing your church's outreach through sports.




Gloo is launching a new AI Search and Chat tool similar to ChatGPT but based on Christian perspectives and Christian content. Learn more and Pre-register for this new tool at




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Direct download: CNLP_677_With_Carlos-Whittaker_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:04am EST

Sharon McMahon, also known as @SharonSaySo on Instagram, explains the business model behind the monetization of hate and how that's driving division. She discusses why some people crave certainty and how that grows churches and platforms. And Sharon shares her news hygiene recommendations so you can read the news and not lose your mind.

Plus, Sharon McMahon shares why she believes the majority of people are exhausted and are craving something other than more polarization.

This episode is part 7 of the Pastoring in a Partisan Age series.


Show Notes

Ultimate Guide to Healthy Church Conflict

On The Rise Newsletter

Preaching Cheat Sheet

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Follow @theartofleadershipnetwork


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YOU can bring this mission focus to YOUR church, and then watch God use YOUR church to impact the world. I encourage you to connect with my friends at Compassion - find out more at



The new Gloo+ membership from Gloo offers your church free texting, time-saving resources, a new mover program, and discounts on digital and physical resources you're probably already buying at full price. Visit - and Use code: CAREY20 for 20% off.




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Direct download: CNLP_676_With_Sharon-McMahon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:04am EST

Mark Sayers, Pastor and author, weighs in on why people inside and outside the church are so upset and the rise of the culture wars. He discusses why conspiracy theories have taken hold, the resentment of elites, and what God might be doing when it seems you can't win anymore.

This episode is part 6 of the Pastoring in a Partisan Age series.


Show Notes

Ultimate Guide to Healthy Church Conflict

On The Rise Newsletter

Preaching Cheat Sheet

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Follow @theartofleadershipnetwork


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On September 23rd, I'm releasing a brand new course called the Art of Navigating Church Conflict — it's my comprehensive training where you'll learn proven frameworks, strategies, and skills to unite, inspire, and empower your church, navigate conflict, and mitigate criticism. Join the waitlist for the course



Whether it’s organizing an event or supporting families in need, Convoy of Hope wants to find a way to reignite a love in your church congregation for compassion ministry. Learn more and support their work at



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Direct download: CNLP_675_With_Mark-Sayers.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:23am EST

Theologian N.T. Wright deconstructs why Christians have bought into the culture wars, discusses how the Gospel is political, and offers his best advice on leading through the election without losing people.

This episode is Part 5 of the series, Pastoring in a Partisan Age.

Plus, we're giving away 10 scholarships to the N.T. Wright's online courses. You'll have to listen to the episode to discover how to enter.

Show Notes

Ultimate Guide to Healthy Church Conflict

On The Rise Newsletter

Preaching Cheat Sheet

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Follow @careynieuwhof

Follow @theartofleadershipnetwork


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Subsplash puts the best of today’s church technology into your hands—to help you better equip your congregation and help them grow and make more disciples.

Go to to get $500 off when you sign up.



YOU can bring a mission focus to YOUR church, and then watch God use YOUR church to impact the world. I encourage you to connect with my friends at Compassion - find out more at


Brought to you by The Art of Leadership Network

Direct download: CNLP_674_With_NT-Wright.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:04am EST

Michael Wear, founder of the Center for Christianity and Public Life, discusses our political sickness, how to guide your staff when they want to share their political views, and what to preach before the election.

This episode is Part 4 of the series, Pastoring in a Partisan Age.

Show Notes

Ultimate Guide to Healthy Church Conflict

On The Rise Newsletter

Preaching Cheat Sheet

Watch on YouTube

Follow @careynieuwhof

Follow @theartofleadershipnetwork


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Our friends at TenX10 are harnessing the collective knowledge of more than 125 Christian ministries, organizations, and denominations that are dedicated to effectively discipling the next generation. Visit today to learn more about their free resources.



Discover the five most positive changes that come from hiring a bookkeeper for your church. BELAY is offering our listeners a free download of their resource, 5 Ways A Church Bookkeeper Can Transform Your Day.


Brought to you by The Art of Leadership Network

Direct download: CNLP_673_With_Michael-Wear.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:04am EST