Wed, 29 September 2021
CNLP 447 | Charles Duhigg on What Most Leaders Don't Know About Innovation, the Killer App of Deep Thinking, and How to Develop Better Habits
Pulitzer Prize-winning and New York Times bestselling author Charles Duhigg explains what most leaders don't know about innovation, why deep thinking is the killer app throughout history, and how to develop better habits. |
Mon, 27 September 2021
CNLP 446 | Juliet Funt on Productivity Thieves, the Hidden Cost of Busyness, How to Add White Space to Your Work and Life
The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast is a podcast all about leadership, change and personal growth. The goal? To help you lead like never before—in your church or in your business. |
Wed, 22 September 2021
CNLP 445 | Amy Porterfield on How to Grow Your Online Audience, What She Learned from Working with Tony Robbins, and Common Marketing Mistakes Most Leaders Make
Amy Porterfield started writing content for Tony Robbins when she was in her 20s. She talks about what we she learned from Tony, about heading out on her own to teach marketing to others, and covers everything from common mistakes leaders make in online marketing, to how to grow an email list (from scratch), why text message marketing is part of the future and other things you need to know to grow your online audience.
Direct download: CNLP_44520E28093With_Amy-Porterfield.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm EDT |
Mon, 20 September 2021
CNLP 444 | Chris McChesney on How to Get Your Team to Own Breakthrough Goals, Engage More Deeply and Master Execution
Chris McChesney, the Global Practice Leader of Execution for Franklin Covey, has helped pioneer The Four Disciplines of Execution that thousands of companies have adopted around the world to help them set and achieve breakthrough goals. Chris outlines a framework that will help your team engage more deeply and master the execution of your mission and goals.
Direct download: CNLP_44420E28093With_Chris-McChesney_3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm EDT |
Wed, 15 September 2021
CNLP 443 | Erin Meyer on Netflix's No Rules Rules: Why Adequate Performance Gets You a Generous Severance Package, Talent Density, and How an Unlimited Vacation Policy Actually Works
Erin Meyer studied Netflix's culture and shares the principles behind many of Reed Hasting's radical ideas that have shaped Netflix's culture: Why adequate performance gets you a generous severance package, talent density and how an unlimited vacation policy actually works. |
Mon, 13 September 2021
CNLP 442 | Andy Stanley Flips the Mic to Talk Productivity Secrets, What Happens to Leaders Under Stress, and How to Ensure Other People Stop Hijacking Your Priorities
The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast is a podcast all about leadership, change and personal growth. The goal? To help you lead like never before—in your church or in your business. |
Mon, 13 September 2021
CNLP 442 | Andy Stanley Flips the Mic to Talk Productivity Secrets, What Happens to Leaders Under Stress, and How to Ensure Other People Stop Hijacking Your Priorities
Andy Stanley flips the mic this time on the podcast as he and Carey discuss productivity secrets, what happens to leaders under stress, and what you can do to stop other people from hijacking your priorities. Plus, Andy shares the rationale as to why leaders need to put limits in place. Carey and Andy's discussion springs from the launch of Carey's new book, At Your Best: How to Get Time, Energy, and Priorities Working in Your Favor, which you can learn more about at |
Wed, 8 September 2021
CNLP 441 | David Allen on Getting Things Done, Decluttering Your Mind and How to Get Your Brain Some Rest
David Allen has taught leaders around the world how to be more productive and find more peace through his Getting Things Done methodology. David covers how to organize your life, declutter your mind and get your brain some rest. He's been called one of the world's most influential thinkers on productivity. Getting Things Done has been published in more than 30 languages. His work has been featured in Fast Company, Fortune, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal and more. |
Mon, 6 September 2021
CNLP 440 | John Mark Comer on Why We Believe Lies About Freedom, Sex, Truth and Culture, How the Left and the Right Fail, and the Way Forward for the Church
John Mark Comer returns to the podcast to update what's happening in this cultural moment, why so many people inside and outside the church keep falling for cultural lies about sex, truth, freedom and culture, why the political left and right ultimately fail, and points to the way forward for the church.
Direct download: CNLP_44020E28093With_John-Mark-Comer.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm EDT |