The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast

Albert Tate talks about how to avoid being triggered in conversations about race, being called the N word for the first time in 7th grade, white supremacy and white privilege, and steps you can take to steward the privilege you have. Get more on this episode by visiting

Direct download: CNLP_498_With_Albert-Tate.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm EST

Chick-fil-A's Vice President of High Performing Leadership, Mark Miller, returns to the podcast to discuss Chick-fil-A's rapid and sustained growth during the pandemic, how CEOs schedule their time, how he makes time for leadership development every month (including during trips to the Antarctic and Mount Everest), and how to really do leadership development well.

Direct download: CNLP_497_With_Mark-Miller.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm EST

New York Times bestselling author and record-setting TED talk speaker, Susan Cain, talks about her love of C.S. Lewis, a longing for home everyone feels, what's wrong with a world set up to reward extroverts, and the beauty of melancholy and how it can enrich your life and leadership.

Check out the Bittersweet Spotify playlist!

Direct download: CNLP_496_With__Susan-Cain.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm EST

Former Business Made Simple COO, Tim Schurrer, outlines what he learned working with Donald Miller, with TOMs shoes and initially with Apple retail. He discusses pivotal decisions, how abundance mentality wins out and why burning the ships is the right thing to do in leadership.


Discover how to enjoy your work (and life) again when you order Tim’s new book, The Secret Society of Success  
You can even get the first two chapters for free at

Direct download: CNLP_495_With_Tim-Schurrer.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm EST

Dr. John Delony talks about the impact of current culture on people including why married people have stopped having sex, the impact of isolation, theological malpractice, and why so many young leaders are angry.

Direct download: CNLP_494_With_John-Delony.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm EST

Bestselling author and North Point Church founder Andy Stanley weighs in on the new metrics of ministry for the future church, and talks about how politics, partisanship, ideology and the drive toward theocracy are damaging the church (and what to do about it).

Direct download: CNLP_493_With_Andy-Stanley.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm EST

Glenn Packiam talks about how pastors are facing stacked expectations at a higher level than ever before, why so many struggle with false intimacy and how leaders misuse power to the detriment of others and themselves.

Direct download: CNLP_492_With_Glenn-Packiam.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm EST