The Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast

Brad Lomenick is back on the podcast with a special green room conversation with Carey.

Brad deconstructs his career and explains how to not just being the best, but be the ONLY in your field. He gives the best career advice, talks about how to get connected to influencers without being a social climber, and offers a template on exactly what to say when you meet your hero.

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Direct download: CNLP_593_With_Brad-Lomenick.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:05am EST

Peter Greer and Chris Horst, authors of Rooting for Rivals, join Carey to talk about the bad math of scarcity thinking. Peter and Chris dive into why abundance thinking works, envy and unhealthy competition in ministry and leadership, and how to overcome mission drift so you can begin to play an infinite game.

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Direct download: CNLP_592_With_Peter_-Greer-and-Chris-Horst.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:10am EST

Instagram sensation Sharon McMahon (@sharonsaysso) joins Carey to discuss how to get people to open up and change their minds about highly charged subjects like abortion, gun control, and politics.

Sharon outlines strategies for responding to angry people with extreme opinions and talks about how group and tribal identity have shifted in the modern era. Plus, Sharon McMahon and Carey talk about the real challenges AI and deepfakes will pose to truth in the future.

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Direct download: CNLP_591_With_Sharon-McMahon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:14am EST

Kevin Kelly, Senior Maverick at Wired Magazine and New York Times bestselling author is often called the most interesting man in the world.

In his conversation with Carey, he lives up to that title as he talks about the usefulness of increasing your optimism, what he learned from time travel, and why the myth of progress isn't a myth. Kevin also shares an updated version of his famous 1,000 True Fans argument and talks about the power of remaining astonished.

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Influence Kickstarter

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Direct download: CNLP_590_With_Kevin-Kelly_copy.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:02am EST

Are you addicted to drama? Do you know someone who is?

In this episode, clinical psychologist Dr. Scott Lyons joins Carey to talk about how to tell whether preaching and leadership have become addictions. Dr. Scott Lyons also taps into how to deal with toxic bosses and co-workers and offers multiple practical strategies to deal with other peoples' drama.

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The Art of Leadership Academy

On The Rise Newsletter


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Direct download: CNLP_589_With_Scott-Lyons.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:02am EST

Former Buzzfeed News Editor Stephanie McNeal on how to build an authentic, engaged audience on social media, the dark side of becoming an influencer, and how to nagivate private and public life.

Stephanie and Carey talk about dealing with haters, snarkers and negative comments, and they discuss writing headlines and captions that get attention.

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On The Rise Newsletter


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Direct download: CNLP_588_With_Stephanie-McNeal.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:02am EST

Millennial and Gen Z expert, Paul Angone, joins Carey to talk about the Attention Economy.

Paul dives into the connection between success and what you pay attention to, beating digital overwhelm, and how wisdom has been lost in the digital clutter and how to find it again by listening to your day.

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On The Rise Newsletter


Brought to you by The Art of Leadership Network.

Direct download: CNLP_587_With_Paul-Angone.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:02am EST