Mon, 29 August 2022
CNLP 517 | Jeff Henderson on How to Know When It's Time to Leave, How to Finish Well, and Overcoming Career Indecision
Author and FOR Company founder, Jeff Henderson, returns to the podcast to talk about career indecision, how to know when it's time to leave, finishing well, and why security and identity hold a lot of people back from making a great career move. Get more on this episode by going to |
Wed, 24 August 2022
CNLP 516 | Michael McCain on Recruiting for Top Talent, the Problem with Short-Term Leadership Thinking, and Creating a Fantastic Culture in a $4 Billion Company
Maple Leaf Foods CEO, Michael McCain, joins the podcast to talk about the problem with short-term thinking in leadership, how to recruit top talent, and creating a fantastic culture in a $4 billion dollar company. Get more on this episode by going to |
Mon, 22 August 2022
CNLP 515 | Jim Burgen and Jesse DeYoung on the Anatomy of Toxic Church Leadership, Church Growth and Identity, and How Leadership Crushes You
Flatirons Church Lead Pastor, Jim Burgen, and Executive Pastor, Jesse DeYoung, talk candidly and openly about how a toxic leadership culture developed at Flatirons, how Jim ended up fusing church size and growth with his personal identity, how the weight of leading a large church became crushing, the impact of a forced sabbatical, and how Jim came back to a different, healthier and more humble kind of leadership. Get more on this episode by going to
Direct download: CNLP_515_With_Jesse-DeYoung-and-Jim-Burgen_3.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm EST |
Mon, 15 August 2022
CNLP 514 | Tripp Crosby on Comedy, Bombing on Stage, How to Be More Creative and the Genesis of Brilliant Ideas
Comedian and motivational speaker, Tripp Crosby, joins the podcast and talks about how to become more creative, the genesis of brilliant ideas, building up your confidence, what to do when you bomb on stage, and the letter he wrote to his mom. Get more on this episode by going to |
Wed, 10 August 2022
CNLP 513 | Thom Rainer Dissects the Death of Denominations, the Stunning Decline in Evangelism, and the Digital Revolution for Small Churches
Bestselling author, Thom Rainer, returns to the podcast to discuss the three biggest shifts he's seeing in the church right now: the death of denominations, the stunning decline in peoples' commitment to evangelism and the promising hope for small churches through digital evangelism. Get more on this episode by going to |
Mon, 8 August 2022
CNLP 512 | Brian Zahnd on Understanding Deconstruction, Nietzsche, Nihilism and the Alternative to Christianity, and the Oddity of Post-Christian America
Author and pastor, Brian Zahnd, gives an in-depth explanation of the deconstruction that's happening in Christianity today, a brief history of existentialism, Friedrich Nietzsche and the alternative to Christianity, and the oddity of post-Christian America. Get more on this episode by going to |
Mon, 1 August 2022
CNLP 511 | Rich Villodas on the New Exodus in Church Attendance, Why Pastors Keep Failing, and the Next Generation of Pastors and Church Attenders
Author and New Life Church Pastor, Rich Villodas, returns to the podcast to talk about the three waves of people leaving the church, why pastors keep failing, what Gen Z and Boomers want from a church and why they don't match, the next generation of pastors, and how stress impacts the body, heart and spirit. Get more on this episode by going to |